The New DEXIS OP 3D LX: All Imaging Data Under One Umbrella
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For Joe Mehranfar, DMD, MS, the digital technology evolution has affected not only the dental profession, but also his own career trajectory. "My digital experience began with a digital sensor almost 15 years ago; that's when I got a glimpse of what was coming with digitization," says the Phoenix, Arizona, clinician and educator. "My digital workflow started around 2010 with the purchase of my first i-CAT™ FLX V-Series imaging system from DEXIS™. From there, it evolved to having a learning center where we are now fully digital."
"Dr. Joe," as his patients call him, is co-owner and clinical director of Implant Education Company, LLC, a dental implant center with didactic, cadaver, and live surgical training. His practice focuses on full-arch implant dentistry.
"We just received our new DEXIS ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D™ LX," Mehranfar says, adding that his facility also has an i-CAT unit, three DEXIS OP 3D extraoral cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) units, and a host of other DEXIS digital solutions. The OP 3D LX is the next generation of OP 3D and is built on OP 3D technology.
"The workflow with the DEXIS OP 3D LX is great because it still runs on the DTX Studio™ suite software, so we're familiar with it. But it gives me a large field of view if I need it, up to 15 cm x 20 cm, and scan times and processing times are fantastic. This gives the patients a better experience as we are able to quickly capture data."
All told, Mehranfar says, his practice "has everything necessary to acquire all the data we need to offer patients a facially, prosthetically driven design."
The OP 3D LX with the DTX Studio suite software allows implant doctors to enhance diagnosis and treatment planning. The system integrates AI-assisted features such as MagicAssist™, 3D X-ray landmark detection, tooth-centric workflows, correction of patient positioning, and annotation of mandibular nerve canals. Mehranfar can design, plan, export, and fabricate surgical guides in-house or send the necessary data to a laboratory. "Guided surgery is something clinicians want to add to their armamentarium, and it is available to us by utilizing this equipment."
Having already been familiar with the OP 3D technology, Mehranfar says implementation of the OP 3D LX was easy. His team members, he says, capture all the imaging data and operate and manage the DTX Studio suite software. "Once everything is uploaded, I just come into the room, go through the data, and explain things to the patient. All the heavy lifting is done by our team."
"To dentists looking to purchase a new CBCT, look at the platform," Mehranfar offers. "Go with equipment that is uniform and can be utilized within your office so that everything is under one umbrella: CBCT, intraoral scanning, photos, facial scanning, intraoral photography. That's the DEXIS OP 3D LX with DTX Studio suite."
Joe Mehranfar, DMD, MS
Private Practice, Phoenix, Arizona; Co-Owner and Clinical Director, Implant Education Company; Diplomate, American Board of Implantology