Modern Methods
Compendium features peer-reviewed articles and continuing education opportunities on restorative techniques, clinical insights, and dental innovations, offering essential knowledge for dental professionals.
A recent independent research study revealed-not surprisingly-that the Compendium audience has a strong interest in the latest clinical advances in dentistry, with 84% of survey respondents saying they are "extremely/very interested" in such innovations. Moreover, almost nine out of 10 respondents answered they are willing to give new clinical approaches a try. At that rate, chances are you probably count yourself in that number.
Knowing this, Compendium strives to publish emerging, evidence-based technologies and techniques in ways that are relevant to clinical application. This is exemplified in our two continuing education (CE) articles this month, in which modern methods are used to address issues that would be significantly more challenging employing traditional approaches.
Our first CE is a follow-up to last month's review on the use of osseodensification, a novel surgical technique whereby autogenous bone is accumulated in an implant site for the enhancement of primary mechanical stability. Unlike with conventional bone drilling, this approach maintains healthy bone within the osteotomy. While last month's article discussed scientific rationale and background, this month the authors describe and illustrate clinical indications for osseodensification and methods to optimize the procedure.
The second CE discusses treatment of "short-face" syndrome, which is associated with various facial, smile, and dental characteristics. As opposed to traditional interdisciplinary treatment (IDT), which is based primarily on only a dental diagnosis, the authors discuss the concept of modern esthetic IDT to address this condition. This approach utilizes a global diagnosis that takes into account facial proportions and may comprise a combination of orthodontics, implant treatment, periodontics, and prosthodontic correction. It can be especially appropriate when overall beauty is a patient priority.
In a clinical technique review, the authors explore reasons for complications in the use of orthodontic extrusion for implant site development. Though not a new concept, there are nuances to this technique and important mechanical aspects that must be considered carefully to realize successful outcomes. Also featured in this issue are case reports on the use of overdenture implants as well as correction-both functionally and esthetically-of dysfunctional wear.
In this our 40th year of publishing, Compendium is continuing to identify and disseminate modern methods of dentistry. Our hope is that practitioners may expand their clinical capabilities and improve patient care.
Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD