Retrospective Multicenter Study of OSSTEM Endosseous Dental Implant
During a 3-year period at 9 dental clinics, 323 OSSTEM implants were placed in the edentulous and partially edentulous jaws of 88 consecutive patients ranging in age from 18 to 79 years. The length of fixture used most frequently was 13 mm, and the 3.75-mm diameter implant was most often used. The mandibular posterior site was the most common, at 43.8%. The mean survival rate was 96.2%. Responses to questionnaires revealed that 94.4% of patients and 93.5% of dentists indicated they were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the implant performance. The authors concluded that the clinical performance of OSSTEM implant prostheses at 9 dental clinics in South Korea demonstrated a high level of survival.