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Volume 40 eBook 22
This special eBook from Compendium puts the spotlight on pediatric dentistry and the increased attention that is needed when considering pharmacological procedures and treatment for young patients. The first article, which offers two continuing education (CE) credits, discusses the specifics of pharmacology as it relates to children. The second article provides a peer perspective in the form of a case report on pulp therapy for an apprehensive child. Download to earn 2 FREE CEU now!
CE: Pharmacotherapy for the Pediatric Dental Patient
William Nicola, DDS; and Aviv Ouanounou, DDS, MSc
This CE article reviews pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes in children, with an emphasis on commonly prescribed medications in dental practice, including local anesthetics, antibiotics, and analgesics. The authors also discuss proper dosing to avoid adverse effects and toxicity. The article demonstrates the biologic differences between children and adults.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
Pulp Therapy in the Difficult Child Patient
Mark L. Cannon, DDS, MS
This second article provides a peer perspective on a case in which pulp therapy for an apprehensive child is explored. The case discusses a dual-cured, resin-modified calcium silicate that resists breakdown and degradation, allowing conservative treatment.
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