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Volume 38 eBook 9
This Compendium eBook features two articles on pediatric dentistry topics that go far beyond esthetics. The first article highlights treatment of a developing child with fusion of a maxillary central and lateral incisor with a congenitally missing lateral. The second article focuses on drug-associated side effects of gingival enlargement in pediatric patients. Download to earn 4 FREE CEU now!
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CE 1: Fusion of a Maxillary Central and Lateral Incisor With a Congenitally Missing Lateral: A 10-Year Conservative, Esthetic Approach
Leslie Stone Hirsh, DDS; Peter M. Greco, DMD; Jay B. Laudenbach, DMD; and Alan M. Atlas, DMD
This article discusses the treatment, over a 10-year period, of a developing child with fusion of a maxillary central and lateral incisor and a congenitally missing lateral.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
CE 2: The Impact of Systemic Disease-Associated Gingival Enlargement on Pediatric Patients
Hessam Nowzari, DDS, PhD; and Sandra K. Rich, MPH, PHD
This article describes how unwanted side effects of various pharmacologic treatments can include gingival overgrowth in pediatric patients.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
PEER PERSPECTIVE: Benefits of Digital Imaging in the Pediatric Dental Office
Lawrence Kotlow, DDS
This author reviews how digital radiography provides better utilization of the pediatric office staff, streamlines documentation of procedures, improves educational programs and confirms diagnosis of dental caries lesions and other hard-tissue pathoses.
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