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This Compendium eBook features a continuing education (CE) article on the management of endodontic flare-ups. This eBook also includes an article on intentional replantation as a predictable and cost-effective option for preserving a natural tooth and as a favorable alternative to conventional microsurgery when surgical access is restricted. Download to earn 2 FREE CEU now!
CE: Managing Endodontic Complications: The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Flare-ups
Mona Meshkin, DMD; Rebekah Lucier Pryles, DMD; and Brooke Blicher, DMD
After root canal therapy has been completed, a small percentage of patients may experience worsening symptoms of swelling and pain, known as endodontic flare-ups, that are distinct from post-treatment pain. This article discusses the etiology, pathophysiology, and management of this endodontic complication. Although flare-ups often result from a combination of factors that are beyond the clinician’s control and difficult to predict, they may nevertheless be potentially obviated by certain preventive measures, which the authors also describe.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
Intentional Replantation: No Longer a Last Resort for Saving a Natural Tooth
Su-Min Lee, DDS, DMD, MSD, DScD; and Michael Marmo, DMD
Enabling the extraction, repair, and successful replantation of a tooth, intentional replantation has become a well-established treatment modality in endodontics. This article discusses the rationale and indications for this procedure, its treatment protocols, and its reported outcomes.
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