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Volume 41 eBook 4
Innovations that have had an impact on restorative dentistry, particularly direct restoration, are the focus of this special Compendium eBook. The first two articles are continuing education (CE) articles, one featuring intraoral air abrasion and the other on adhesive dentistry. The third article is a report on adhesion and bonding. Download to earn 4 FREE CEU now!
CE1: Intraoral Air Abrasion: A Review of Devices, Materials, Evidence, and Clinical Applications in Restorative Dentistry
Chan-Te Huang, DDS; Jihyon Kim, DDS; Celin Arce, DDS, MS; and Nathaniel C. Lawson, DMD, PhD
This first CE article describes a relatively new restorative technique. Intraoral air abrasion, or sandblasting, is an alternative method for removing or altering tooth structure. As the authors explain, the procedure involves the spraying of abrasive particles on teeth and may be used for plaque removal, cavity preparation, and other aspects of dentistry.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
CE 2: The Current State of Adhesive Dentistry: A Guide for Clinical Practice
Francis K. Mante, DMD, PhD; Fusun Ozer, DDS, PhD; Ricardo Walter, DDS, MSc; Alan M. Atlas, DMD; Najeed Saleh, DMD; Didier Dietschi, DMD, PhD; and Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD
This second CE article discusses how adhesive dentistry facilitates minimally invasive, esthetic, and tooth-preserving dental treatment and applies to almost all dental materials and specialties. This article offers a guide for current practice.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
Special Report: Adhesion: Past, Present, and Future
George Freedman, DDS, Dipl ABAD
This eBook presents a brief report on the past, present, and future of adhesive dentistry. The article takes a look at the evolution of adhesion through each generation and offers a glimpse of what’s coming next.
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