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Volume 41 eBook 11
This special Compendium eBook delves into factors affecting malocclusion and bone, beginning with a continuing education (CE) article on surgically facilitated orthodontic treatment (SFOT), followed by an article that features a case report in which a segmental osteotomy was performed. Download to earn 2 FREE CEU now!
CE: Factors Affecting Predictability of Buccal Bone Augmentation in Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Treatment: Etiological Considerations
Stuart Beauchamp, DMD; Colin S. Richman, DMD; William Baldock, DMD, Brock J. Pumphrey, DMD; and J. Kobi Stern, DMD, MSc
SFOT is an advanced pre-orthodontic procedure in which bone volume is increased and tooth movement is accelerated. The aim is to enhance the periodontal biotype while facilitating tooth movement. The authors of this CE article examine variables and etiological concerns that may affect predictability of generating buccal bone during SFOT.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
Segmental Osteotomy in the Correction of an Anterior Open Bite: A Case Report
Peter Tawil, DDS, MS; and Mehand Boufassa, DDS
This second article is a case report in which a segmental osteotomy was performed for the correction of an anterior open bite. The case demonstrates the challenges of treatment for an anterior open bite and the use of a segmental osteotomy to correct it.
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