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Volume 41 eBook 1
This special Compendium eBook provides two continuing education (CE) articles on innovations in surgical instrumentation that can optimize outcomes in oral surgery. Laser-assisted operculectomy is the subject of the first article; osteotome sinus augmentation is featured in the second. Download to earn 4 FREE CEU now!
CE 1: Laser-Assisted Operculectomy
Robert Levine, DDS; and Peter Vitruk, PhD, MInstP, CPhys
This first CE article presents advantages of the 10,600-nm CO2 laser in comparison with alternative options for the treatment of oral soft-tissue lesions. When considering surgical modalities for an operculectomy to prevent pericoronitis, the surgical laser’s hemostatic abilities and the minimal damage it causes to adjacent healthy tissues are valuable advantages.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
CE 2: Osteotome Sinus Augmentation With Less Than 5 mm of Native Bone: A Membrane Visualization Technique Using a Tapered Platform-Shifting Implant
David Anson, DDS; and Robert Horowitz, DDS
This second CE article presents a modification to the classic osteotome sinus augmentation procedure. The authors highlight a membrane visualization technique using demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft and calcium sulfate as part of a composite graph, along with a tapered platform-switching implant. They conclude that there are distinct advantages to the patient and the clinician with this type of minimally invasive technique.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
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