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Volume 42 eBook 3
This Compendium eBook features a continuing education (CE) article that considers the rationale for graftless alternatives, as well as the data supporting the use of various graftless protocols. In an accompanying clinical materials article, the author addresses modifications in the dental implant surface and the relationship to osseointegration. Download to earn 2 FREE CEU now!
CE: Are Nongrafting Solutions Viable for Dental Implant Treatment in Limited Bone Volume?
Lyndon F. Cooper, DDS, PhD; Ghadeer Thalji, DDS, PhD; and Sandra Al-Tarawneh, DDS, MS
This CE article considers the rationale for graftless alternatives, as well as the data supporting the use of various graftless protocols. The use of pterygoid, zygomatic, tilted, and short implants is discussed, as options for achieving osseointegration. The authors cite studies and systematic reviews that demonstrate a high degree of success for these treatment modalities, although these implants all have associated limitations that must be recognized in planning and placement.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
Hydrophilicity and Osseointegration in Dental Implants
Alexandre Molinari, DDS, MSc, PhD
In this accompanying clinical materials article, the author addresses modifications in the dental implant surface and the relationship to osseointegration.
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