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Volume 38 eBook 24
This eBook provides two continuing education articles on orthodontics. The first CE article demonstrates the use of forced eruption and a novel subperiosteal minimally invasive (a)esthetic ridge-augmentation technique, known by the acronym SMART, for the treatment of a complex iatrogenic gingival-alveolar defect. The second CE article describes how surgically facilitated orthodontic therapy (SFOT) is used to stimulate the regional acceleratory phenomenom and upregulate bone remodeling and tooth movement as part of orthodontic decompensation.Download to earn 4 FREE CEU now!
CE 1: Tridimensional Reconstruction of a Complex Iatrogenic Defect Using Orthodontic Forced Eruption and Minimally Invasive Bone Grafting
Ernesto A. Lee, DMD
This article demonstrates the use of forced eruption and a novel subperiosteal minimally invasive (a)esthetic ridge-augmentation technique, known by the acronym SMART, for the treatment of a complex iatrogenic gingival-alveolar defect. The treatment uses orthodontic forced eruption to enhance the esthetic-zone reconstruction.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
CE 2: Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy: Optimizing Dentoalveolar Bone and Space Appropriation for Facially Prioritized Interdisciplinary Dentofacial Therapy
George A. Mandelaris, DDS, MS; Bradley S. DeGroot, DDS, MS; Robert Relle, DDS; Brian Shah, MD, DDS; Iwei Huang, DMD, MS; and Brian S. Vence, DDS
In this article, the value of interdisciplinary treatment is shown within surgically facilitated orthodontic therapy (SFOT). The authors describe how SFOT is used to stimulate the regional acceleratory phenomenom and upregulate bone remodeling and tooth movement as part of orthodontic decompensation. A component of interdisciplinary dentofacial therapy (IDT), SFOT demands meticulous communication among all team members to accomplish its goal of a facially prioritized treatment plan.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
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