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Volume 38 eBook 28
Undiagnosed sleep apnea significanly impacts one's health and productivity, so oral healthcare practitioners are increasingly expanding their practices to help their patients with breathing-disturbed sleep. In this special eBook from Compendium, two perspectives on dental sleep medicine are presented. The continuing education article explores the shortcomings of traditional approaches for dealing with obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep-breathing conditions. As a companion article, this eBook includes a review of the growing research on the long-term effects of oral appliance therapy. Download to earn 2 FREE CEU now!
CE: Autonomic Nervous System Trial: Control and Resolve for Sleep Breathing Disorders
Jeffrey S. Rouse, DDS
This first CE article explores the shortcomings of traditional approaches for dealing with obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep-breathing conditions. According to the author, the classic models for sleep dentistry ignore many patients with breathing-disturbed sleep. He explains how a protocol involving the autonomic nervous system trial can improve control and management.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
PEER PERSPECTIVE: Longevity of Dental Sleep Medicine Paves Way for New Research Trend
Harold A. Smith, DDS
This article reviews the growing research on the long-term effects of oral appliance therapy. Researchers are publishing data on the side effects of oral appliance therapy after 10 or more years of treatment, helping pave the way for improved long-term effectiveness and patient adherance.
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