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Volume 41 eBook 25
This Compendium eBook features a continuing education (CE) article that delves into concerns that may face dentist-anesthesiologist teams who are treating patients with Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. Accompanying this CE offering is a case report on how distraction and counter-stimulation techniques may be able to reduce pain from local anesthesia injections. Download to earn 2 FREE CEU now!
CE: General Anesthesia for Dental Treatment in a Patient With Huntington’s Chorea
Irena Haimov-Kaldess, DMD; Doron Haim, DMD, MPA; and Adi Garfunkel, DMD
This CE article delves into concerns that may face dentist-anesthesiologist teams who are treating patients with Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. It includes a case that involved the treatment of a patient with a neurodegenerative disease characterized by uncontrolled movements, which required general anesthesia.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
A Vibration Device to Control Injection Discomfort
Jeffry R. Shaefer, DDS, MS, MPH; Stephanie J. Lee, BS; and Nina K. Anderson, PhD
This article is a case report on how distraction and counter-stimulation techniques may be able to reduce pain from local anesthesia injections. This study investigates a device developed to lessen anesthesia pain through pulsed vibration and evaluates both its efficacy in reducing pain and discomfort from specific injections as well as the time needed to achieve complete anesthesia.
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