Collaborative Care
Compendium features peer-reviewed articles and continuing education opportunities on restorative techniques, clinical insights, and dental innovations, offering essential knowledge for dental professionals.
Because the oral cavity is complex, consisting of many interconnected parts that have various functions and play critical roles in overall health, dentistry, too, can sometimes be complex. When dentists take on a multifaceted case, an interdisciplinary approach-involving multiple types of dentistry-is often needed.
Advanced procedures such as surgically facilitated orthodontic treatment (SFOT) require a collaborative effort. This pre-orthodontic surgical technique brings together practitioners from different dental disciplines whose goal is to carefully expedite tooth movement in patients with a crowded dentition and/or tooth misalignment. Our first continuing education (CE) article this month discusses SFOT from the standpoint of surgical considerations. In this follow-up to an article they wrote earlier this year (Compendium, January 2020) on etiological factors in SFOT, the authors this time focus on surgically and biomaterial-related factors linked to increased predictability of bone augmentation during SFOT. As they explain, the amount of augmentation needed is dependent on the anticipated tooth movement, thus the need for thorough communication among specialists, including surgeon and orthodontist.
If you appreciate the aforementioned SFOT articles, then plan to attend an upcoming series of complex case discussions from Compendium featuring several of the articles' authors. Hosted by Drs. Irina Dragan and David C. Alexander, this new online series of CE dialogues will explore the challenges and rewards of collaborative care, highlighting clinicians' rationale to an interdisciplinary approach in developing the chosen treatment plan. The inaugural discussion, "Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Treatment," will take place September 30 at 7 PM ET and will feature authors Drs. J. Kobi Stern, Stuart Beauchamp, Marielle Beauchamp, and Colin S. Richman. For more information and to register for this behind-the-scenes look at interdisciplinary care, visit
This issue of Compendium also features a CE article on COVID-19 from the perspective of the dental professional tasked with sorting through all of the data, information, and misinformation on the subject. The article compares seasonal influenza, SARS, and COVID-19 and emphasizes the importance of "best evidence" in a time of pandemic. We also feature a report on the treatment of lingual gingival fenestrations using a subepithelial connective tissue graft, a roundtable debate on endodontic strategy, and a host of "online only" articles (see p.402).
Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD