Compendium’s 2020 Vision
Now that 2020 has arrived, some argue whether we've entered into a new decade. Did the next decade begin on January 1 of this year, or do we have to wait until the calendar flips to 2021? According to Farmers' Almanac, decades begin with the year ending in the numeral 1 and finish with a 0-that would mean putting your new-decade celebrations on hold for a year. However, a recent New York Times article suggested that "popular culture" defines a decade as starting with the year ending in 0, in which case, let the festivities begin!
Either way it's safe to say Compendium, which began publishing in 1980 under the scrupulous direction of the late Dr. D. Walter Cohen, is entering its fifth decade as a provider of journal-based continuing dental education. There's no squabble that in this, our 41st year, we continue to lead the way in delivering clinically excellent CE content to both general dentists and specialists.

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For 2020, and beyond, Compendium envisions disseminating a wide array of relevant, cutting-edge articles from top key opinion leaders and practitioners discussing the latest techniques and procedures in dentistry. From new materials, to advanced technology, to innovative approaches, our 2020 editorial calendar is chock full of stimulating topics intended to challenge clinicians to reach new heights. In fact, a slew of peer-reviewed articles are in the queue that we are excited to publish. Subjects scheduled for the coming months include autogenous dentin grafting, the association between periodontal disease and obstructive sleep apnea, classical esthetic principles, ridge preservation strategies in children following anterior tooth trauma, and many more. We've also got two thematic issues planned for the year: our annual dental implant issue and one on digital prosthodontics.
To kick off 2020, the current issue features CE on two contemporary topics. The first describes the etiological factors that must be considered when performing surgically facilitated orthodontic treatment, or SFOT, an advanced pre-orthodontic procedure aimed at increasing bone volume and accelerating tooth movement. The second CE discusses robotic-assisted dental surgery (RADS) and its use in implant treatment planning and placement. RADS provides the clinician physical guidance through haptic feedback.
Compendium has always believed that dental education is a life-long process. In the decade ahead, we will strive to present practitioners exceptional evidence-based and practical clinical material. Be sure also to take time this year to review our content online at and, our continuing education partner portal.
Here's to a great 2020!
Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD