Always Clinically Relevant
For 40 years Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry has been devoted to providing clinically relevant manuscripts inclusive of case reports, continuing education (CE) articles, and technique vignettes, all aimed at helping everyday practitioners improve their craft. It's a long-standing mission that will always remain.
This issue, our CE curriculum features a highly informative review of interceptive, or phase 1, orthodontics, as well as an instructive essay on the growing use of silver diamine fluoride in dental caries prevention. In addition, a case report describes post-extraction open-site preservation utilizing particulate bone grafting and dehydrated amnion/chorion membrane, while another report shows the multidisciplinary management of a mandibular first molar with an additional distolingual root and grade III cervical enamel projection.

Nobel Biocare Global Symposium 2025
While clinical treatment obviously requires technical proficiency, some knowledge and understanding of the literature that supports these processes also is needed. In this age of "evidence-based dentistry," it can be challenging for practitioners to decipher in vitro, basic science and translational research and convert it to the clinical arena. With this in mind, Compendium, which frequently publishes clinically relevant research material online and occasionally in print, is now committed to including a clinical research study in the journal on a quarterly basis. These articles emphasize translating applicable study results into practice for clinicians who are in the trenches daily striving to provide exceptional dentistry.
The article on p.166 reports on an 11-year retrospective analysis of immediate placement of 300 dental implants in molar extraction sockets. The authors placed the implants in accordance with a classification system of socket categories that is based on the amount of interradicular septal bone and its influence on implant stability. They discuss how immediate implant placement into fresh molar extractions can be successful when initial stability is attained.
As always, Compendium remains unique in being a forum that brings dental professionals from various specialties together to advance the practice of dentistry. The Clinical Research focus is the latest facet of our unflagging commitment to our mission. We hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to your continued interest in reading-and learning from-Compendium's contributions to the dental community.
Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD Stephen J. Chu, DMD, MSD, CDT
Editor-In-Chief Executive Editor