New Sectional Matrix System Simplifies Posterior Direct Composite Restorations
For James Braun, DDS, MS, a seasoned lecturer, hands-on workshop instructor, and prosthodontist, being up-to-date with the latest dental materials, technology, and equipment is a critical part of his daily operation. In his several decades of experience, the Saginaw, Michigan-based practitioner has had the opportunity to work with major manufacturers on the development of many new products, so, he says, he knows a good one when he sees it.
The Composi-Tight® 3D Fusion™ Sectional Matrix System from Garrison Dental Solutions is one such product. Designed as a solution to handle even the most difficult Class II restorative challenges, the system, Braun says, “is such a vast improvement of products and geometry that helps ensure the success of these composite restorations involving the interproximal, because working with composites, as opposed to the old days of amalgam, requires having specific crucial pieces of equipment to establish well-designed and contoured restorations.”

Clinical Versah-tility at your Fingertips
3D Fusion combines a variety of products together to enable clinicians to achieve predictable outcomes for posterior direct composite restorations. “It's a system,” Braun emphasizes. “It's not just one component or the other that is effective. It is a combination of items working synergistically.”
The Composi-Tight 3D Fusion Sectional Matrix System kit includes a variety of separator rings (short, tall, and wide-prep) that incorporate Garrison's exclusive Soft-Face™ silicone tips for flash reduction and Ultra-Grip™ retention extensions that eliminate ring “spring-off.” The system also comes with five sizes of ultra-thin, dead-soft, non-stick sectional matrix bands, an assortment of highly adaptive wedges, and a set of ring placement forceps.
The two main separator rings are the short (blue) and tall (orange) ones, and these will be used for the majority of a clinician's restorations, Braun says. What he especially appreciates about the system is the wide-preparation (green) ring, which enhances the sectional matrix system's versatility and user-friendliness, simplifying what he considers to be one of the most difficult types of restorations—posterior direct composite restorations replacing large molar amalgams.
“For example, when replacing old amalgam fillings with composite, you often have an over-extended restoration that goes beyond the interproximal context of the adjacent teeth. Prior to Composi-Tight 3D Fusion, there was no ring system that would allow for this placement because the rings were too narrow. But now we can perform these extremely large restorations using the green wide-prep rings, which have great curvature and allow better separation between teeth,” Braun explains. The system, according to the company, is well-suited for such challenging restorations as an entire quadrant, the distal of a canine, a completely broken down MOD, and other wide-preparation restorations.
“I have had no problems postoperatively achieving proper contours and interproximal contacts with great marginal seals, along with no problems of extraneous flash to remove because of the sectional matrix. I can properly contour the anatomy of the tooth in a very predictable and orderly manner using the products in the kit,” Braun adds.
Garrison offers a number of webinars on its website ( on how to use the products in this system. Clinicians can sign up for live CE webinar programs that detail the system's features, give instructions on how to implement the system in clinical cases, and explain how all the components work together. Workshops are available that allow clinicians to gain hands-on experience with the system.
“With this new 3D Fusion system, you can achieve highly successful outcomes to posterior direct composite restorations that otherwise could be daunting if you don't have the proper armamentarium. The products work together to ensure superior results and virtually eliminate having to redo restorations, making it a ‘win-win' for the patient and clinician alike,” Braun asserts.
Garrison Dental Solutions
150 DeWitt Ln
Spring Lake, MI 49456