The Evolution Continues
Implant dentistry has progressed to the point where many practices have made tooth replacement routine. Yet, with new information continuously emerging, practitioners need to stay up to date on innovative implant technologies and techniques that will allow them to provide optimum care for their patients. This special Annual Implant Issue of Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry is aimed at helping clinicians expand their implant dentistry knowledge and improve their skills. We focus not only on the diagnosis and treatment of various complex clinical situations and the steps needed to predictably achieve esthetically pleasing results, but also on the restorative aspects and nuances of implant therapy.
Our CE curriculum in this issue features various restorative strategies in implant dentistry. The first CE article discusses risk indicators and prevention of implant soft-tissue complications. The authors explain how the loss of interproximal papillae and midfacial implant mucosal recessions can be avoided and how to predictably achieve long-term esthetic results. In our second CE we cover esthetic ridge augmentation in which a minimally invasive bone-grafting technique is used for treating a complex iatrogenic gingival-alveolar defect. The treatment utilizes orthodontic forced eruption to enhance the esthetic-zone reconstruction. Our third CE discusses a unique angled design implant used to overcome anatomical constraints often found at implant sites and that offers increased potential for screw- versus cement-retained restorations in this age of clinician-induced peri-implantitis.

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Other implant-related topics we tackle in this issue include restorative papillae reconstruction, management of type 3 recession with immediate implant and provisional restoration therapy, and use of a tapered abutment to address peri-implant tissue recession. In addition, a distinguished panel of experts provide insights on vertical bone augmentation.
The evolution of implant dentistry is occurring rapidly. Our hope is that this special issue of Compendium equips clinicians so they can address both routine and advanced case types during implant treatment and integrate this clinically relevant and useful information into daily practice. We give special thanks to all our contributors, both domestic and international, for their diligence and dedication to furthering higher dental education.
Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD
Stephen J. Chu, DMD, MSD, CDT
Guest Editor