Zimmer Biomet Dental’s 3.1 mmD Eztetic™ Implant: A Strong, Esthetic Solution for Narrow Anterior Spaces
For Monish Bhola, DDS, MSD, challenging cases are nothing new. The periodontist whose Detroit-area private practice is limited to periodontics and implantology was pleased to find a solution to a long-time issue.
“Zimmer Dental in the past, before becoming part of Zimmer Biomet Dental, had a 3-mm 1-piece implant, but that had limited options. This was a long time coming where we wanted a 2-piece 3-mm implant for patients who were missing lateral incisors or the lower anteriors. This would allow us to place a narrow implant and still have adequate bone between the natural teeth, and the implant itself or between the implants if we were placing two implants together,” Bhola says. “This was a huge void in our esthetic practice.”

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The 3.1 mmD Eztetic Implant from Zimmer Biomet Dental is a strong,1 esthetic solution for narrow anterior sites. The product is designed to offer improvements over similar commercially available implants, particularly in the areas of strength and primary stability. When compared with select competitive implants of similar diameters, the Eztetic Implant achieved a 43% higher fatigue strength.1 In addition, the implant performed exceptionally well in insertion torque and torsional yield testing.1
Immediate placement and immediate provisionalization are indicated when appropriate (immediate loading is indicated when there is good primary stability and an appropriate occlusal load).
“Our previous understanding was that wider is better, and we went with the biggest possible size implant in the site,” Bhola says, who has been practicing for the past 19 years. “Now we understand implants behave very differently than natural teeth, and more bone preservation around an implant is the order of the day. A narrow 3-mm implant, when used correctly in the right clinical situation, has huge advantages where traditional ones do not. Having a 2-piece narrow implant is ideal for single-tooth replacement.”
As a former professor and director of periodontics and implantology at the University of Detroit Mercy in Detroit, Michigan, Bhola explains that this product is particularly ideal for general practitioners just beginning to place implants. “The specialists have a huge responsibility on their shoulders in terms of educating the general practitioners. So this fits well for those dentists initially starting out—they can place this implant in the lower anterior region, which is more forgiving. Then as their comfort level increases, this is an ideal implant for missing lateral incisors as well.”
For the first time, three concepts have been combined to create a precise implant-abutment connection designed to reduce micromovement and microleakage. This unique connection consists of a conical interface, platform switch, and Double Friction-Fit™ technology designed to make strong narrow-diameter implants indicated for all anterior areas.
The 3-mm connection depth is designed to distribute stresses deeper into the implant and further from the crestal bone than conventional conical designs. Tapered implant geometry combined with dedicated soft and dense bone surgical protocols are designed for high primary stability in all types of bone.
The Eztetic implant-abutment connection, along with a Contour Abutment profile, is designed to provide space for soft tissue and esthetic emergence of the restoration.
A surgical module for the 3.1 mmD Eztetic Implant conveniently snaps into the Tapered Screw-Vent® Surgical Kit for placement along side Zimmer® Trabecular Metal™ or Tapered Screw-Vent Implants.
In addition, a wide range of user-friendly restorative options are available, including abutments for cement-retained, custom, and overdenture restoration, aiming to give clinicians the ability to perform quality esthetic restorations with confidence and ease.
“Obviously we see a lot of challenging cases, being in a specialty practice. In the past, we have always struggled with trying to place implants in the correct restorative position while having adequate bone and soft tissue around them due to the limited space in the esthetic zone. With this implant, we still have adequate bone between the natural teeth and implant itself,” asserts Bhola.
1. Data on file. Zimmer Biomet Dental.
All references contained herein to Zimmer Biomet Dental refer to the Zimmer Biomet Dental Division. All trademarks herein are the property of Zimmer Biomet or their affiliates unless otherwise indicated. Due to regulatory requirements, Zimmer Biomet’s dental division will continue to manufacture products under Zimmer Dental Inc. and Biomet 3i LLC respectively until further notice. The Eztetic Implant and other products referenced in this article are manufactured by Zimmer Dental, Inc. and distributed by Biomet 3i LLC. Dr. Bhola has a financial relationship with Zimmer Biomet Dental resulting from speaking engagements, consulting engagements and other retained services.
Zimmer Biomet Dental
4555 Riverside Drive
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410