From the Editor: When Less Is More
In recent decades such technical advances as adhesive bonding have afforded clinicians the ability to perform dentistry in a much more conservative manner. Utilizing, for example, an additive approach—versus the more invasive use of conventional fixed prosthodontics—clinicians have been better able to preserve tooth structure and, in turn, lessen biomechanical risk. It’s a classic application of the expression, “less is more.”
This issue of Compendium spotlights minimally invasive dentistry, along with prevention, starting with our Kois Center Case of the Month. In it, the author presents a case involving excessive tooth wear in which esthetic success was achieved while extensive tooth reduction was averted. Once the clinician helped the patient understand the long-term benefits of preserving tooth structure, a successful, minimally invasive restoration was within reach.

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In another case report, minimal/no-preparation restorations are featured, whereby the author describes the concepts used in a complex rehabilitation involving tooth erosion. Both direct and indirect restorations were employed—with minimal biological risk to the patient.
Our Special Report this month is also aimed at helping clinicians use less to gain more. It focuses on composite restorations, discussing how the right armamentarium, including materials, matrix systems, and curing lights, can be the difference between success or failure.
Of course, check out our monthly CE curriculum. We lead off with an overview of risk assessment as the basis for promoting periodontal health and preventing disease. Our other CE discusses the effect of titanium-nitride–coated abutments on the long-term success of implant-supported restorations.
For 35 years Compendium has been helping clinicians streamline their approach to dentistry. I hope you find this issue helpful in your efforts to “do less.” As always, your feedback is appreciated!
Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD