New Text Details Principles Behind Adhesive Dentistry
Oftentimes I am asked to review a book for its contents and scope; however, this review is special for me as the author, Dr. Byoung I. Suh, MS, PhD, is a long-time mentor and friend. The text, Principles of Adhesion Dentistry: A Theoretical and Clinical Guide for Dentists, is written by one of the true mentors in dental materials and illuminates chemistry and materials science in an insightful manner. My discussions with Dr. Suh have strengthened my concepts of adhesive systems, curing composite resin, incompatibilities with adhesives and self-chemical–cured composites, and composite resin polymerization. His text further extends my understanding of these issues. Truly, he is a mentor’s mentor, and this book reflects that quality.
Principles of Adhesion Dentistry is a heavily referenced, evidence-based text that describes in seven chapters the evolution of adhesive systems, bonding to enamel and dentin, resin polymerization basics, and incompatibility of chemically initiated composites to light-cured adhesives. Any inquisitive individual scientist or clinician will be drawn to this text, as it describes the “how and why” materials work to solve many of the problems in adhesive dentistry. Each chapter begins with a section on clinical implications as an overview and describes clinicians’ problems and how materials science has helped to develop solutions for these problems.

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Drawing upon his long and extensive research background, Dr. Suh has created a resource that serves as an excellent portal into the story behind dental materials. Although significant attention is given to BISCO, Inc. materials and products, the book thoughtfully describes significant controversies and materials solutions for producing improved adhesive dentistry. There is an excitement of discovery within the book’s covers, as step-by-step basic chemical approaches are given to difficult clinical situations, such as postoperative cold sensitivity on composite resin restorations, which draws the reader to the book’s conclusions.
For clinicians and researchers alike, this well-illustrated and detailed text describes the reasoning behind the use of adhesive and esthetic materials. This book should be read frequently and belongs in the library of all dental materials students, as well as practicing dentists.
— John Burgess, DDS
Assistant Dean for Clinical Research, University of Alabama
Birmingham School of Dentistry, Birmingham, Alabama
To purchase Principles of Adhesion Dentistry by Dr. Byoung Suh, visit