Hiossen Offers Unequaled Implant Variety, Innovation, and Training
Until recently, Hiossen, Inc., a subsidiary of Korea-based Osstem Implant, took its cues from larger companies with long-established track records in implantology in terms of developing its product lines. However, the relatively new company, which started its US operations in 2006, now offers an unequaled variety of best-of-breed implants and restorations, says Bob Lee, Hiossen’s Executive Director, with virtually all types available, ranging from 2.5 mm to 7 mm in diameter and 6 mm to 15 mm in length.
Lee says the company is proud to offer a full range of implant options to practitioners, and adds that Hiossen is now poised to innovate with products reflecting the expertise it has acquired in implant technology and techniques. The first such product, he notes, is actually an improvement on the sandblasted and acid-etched (SA) surface treatment used in the company’s popular ET III SA Implant. The SA surface, Lee explains, is bio-treated with a very thin nano-coating of low crystalized hydroxyapatite (HA), which is absorbed within 16 weeks.

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“That nano-coat of HA accelerates the osseointegration by about 20% to 30% over the existing SA surface treatment, which itself shortens bone-healing time and improves secondary attachment force,” Lee says.
To support clinicians seeking to gain or expand their ability to place implants, Hiossen provides training courses at its Advanced Implant Research and Training Centers in more than 25 locations around the country. “We are the largest implant training provider in the United States,” Lee says. “We have more than 100 faculty members teaching our 6-day basic implant training courses, in addition to numerous intermediate and advanced training courses.”
A unique feature of Hiossen’s basic training course, Lee points out, is that after 4 to 5 days of lectures and intensive hands-on, the attending doctors have the opportunity to actually place one or two implants themselves under the supervision of the lecturers and course directors. “This means all the doctors who attend our basic training course actually place one or two implants before they complete our course, so they are ready to go once they return to their offices,” he says, noting that many programs that claim to offer a live surgery component are just offering attendees a chance to watch a live demonstration performed by the course directors.
Lee stresses the advantage that providing courses locally offers doctors, who would otherwise need to lose time and income while training. “Because these courses are provided in more than 25 US cities, the courses can be spread out over a few weekends—which means that the attending doctors don’t have to close their offices and travel to attend training courses.”
Lee credits Hiossen’s extensive educational programs, unrivaled customer service, reasonable pricing, and quality products for the rapid growth of the company, which he says is now the sixth largest dental implant company in the US. “In 2006 we had only 15 people, but we now have over 200 employees, with a manufacturing facility in Pennsylvania and more than 30 branch offices.”
The new HA surface treatment being introduced, Lee says, is just the first step in Hiossen’s plan to develop new products. “In the next 5 years, we expect to offer more improved surface treatments, as well as implant designs and innovations in restoration using our own technology.”
Lee anticipates a greater demand for implants over the next 5 years due to greater consumer awareness, a growing number of elderly patients living longer and losing more teeth, and an increase in the number of general practitioners placing them—especially in the United States and Canada, where they are now placed mainly by specialists. He notes that the majority of US GPs now perform root canals, a segment of dentistry that was strictly the domain of endodontists 15 years ago. Similarly, he expects GPs who become familiar with implantology techniques to begin placing implants more regularly and join the ranks of their colleagues in other countries such as Korea, where 80% of the GPs place implants compared to 10% to 15% in the US.
As the implant industry advances, Hiossen, Lee asserts, will be helping lead the way.
85 Ben Fairless Dr
Fairless Hills, PA 19030