From the Editor: Opportunity Knocking?
Thanks largely to advances in technology, techniques, and materials, the dental implant market has shown exceptional growth over the past decade. Compared to other solutions such as conventional bridges or removable dentures, implants offer the advantage of not having to cut into healthy teeth, and patients can enjoy an enhanced quality of life, including improved diet and nutrition and a more active lifestyle.
Yet, despite these and other benefits, the number of general practitioners treatment-planning for implants has not been increasing. With the recent decline in the US economy impacting dentistry (see Business of Dentistry, p.486), coupled with the fact that approximately 100 million Americans are implant candidates, dental implants provide clinicians a promising means of sustaining practice profitability.

Nobel Biocare Global Symposium 2025
This annual Compendium thematic issue on implants is dedicated to educating clinicians in this fast-growing discipline of dentistry. Our first CE article examines osteotome sinus augmentation when there is less than 5 mm of native bone. Specifically, the authors highlight a membrane visualization technique using a tapered platform-shifting implant. In the next CE, the dental literature is assessed regarding a debated issue—the ability of implants to maintain vertical bone height after various implant placement scenarios. The article also reviews studies to determine if bone loss after implant insertion is continuous. We also feature a clinical technique review in which the authors provide a thorough overview of immediate implant placement in posterior areas in the maxillary arch.
The All-on-4® technique has been generating increased interest for patients who could benefit from a full-arch, implant-supported fixed restoration. A case report examining the use of All-on-4 combined with CT-guided technology describes the treatment findings on various patients. In another case, the author demonstrates the value of synergy between the periodontist and restorative dentist in achieving a cost-effective immediate restoration of full-arch dental implants in the mandible.
To complement our implant theme, this month’s Special Report focuses on the growing area of digital radiography. For general practitioners, the author asks: “Is it time to convert to digital?”
We hope you find this issue of Compendium useful as you consider the value of adding or expanding implant treatment-planning in your practice. For more resources, check out our Implant product page at Please email with any comments or suggestions. We value your input.
Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD
Donald S. Clem, DDS
Guest Editor