Glidewell’s Inclusive® Tooth Replacement Solution Available in Open Platform
The driving force behind the development of the Inclusive® Tooth Replacement Solution from Glidewell Laboratories, says Greg Minzenmayer, Chief Operating Officer, is the company’s ongoing determination to provide efficient, predictable implant solutions for clinicians and their patients. This is accomplished by improving the overall process of delivering implant treatment—from advanced treatment planning services, to implant and component manufacturing, to design and fabrication of the final restorative prosthesis.
“We keep these processes simple, convenient, and affordable,” says Minzenmayer. “This streamlined, restorative-driven solution is a complete package for restoring implant patients, from implant placement all the way to the final restoration, offering more patients the option of implant therapy than ever before.” He adds that the company’s implant department has mastered CAD/CAM technology and is now manufacturing up to 90% of restorations through computer-aided design.

Clinical Versah-tility at your Fingertips
By combining its dental implant manufacturing expertise with its implant laboratory services, Glidewell Laboratories offers a complete, restorative-driven solution for missing teeth, featuring custom patient-specific soft-tissue management that begins at implant placement. From the customer’s impression, the company fabricates a prosthetic drilling guide to suggest the ideal placement of the implant to achieve restorative success, a custom temporary abutment, and a BioTemps® provisional crown. For cases in which the implant cannot be immediately temporized, the company includes a custom healing abutment.
Also included in the Inclusive Tooth Replacement Solution, says Minzenmayer, is a matching custom impression coping that enables accurate communication of the implant position and anatomical sulcus form to the laboratory. These custom components are delivered to the clinician with the prosthetic guide, the implant size of their choice, and corresponding surgical drills. When the clinician is ready for the definitive restoration, they can send Glidewell Laboratories an implant-level impression using the custom impression coping, and the company will fabricate a final custom abutment (titanium or zirconia) and a BruxZir® Solid Zirconia or IPS e.max® crown.
The Inclusive Tooth Replacement Solution is unique, Minzenmayer explains, in that it promotes patient-specific temporization and contoured healing through the use of custom temporary components. He notes that in the same amount of time it takes to place generic stock components, clinicians can provide patient-specific temporization and soft-tissue management with this exclusive feature.
Regardless of the scenario a surgeon may face, this solution provides the flexibility to handle any clinical situation, Minzenmayer suggests. “From a restorative aspect, it is now easy to communicate to the laboratory exactly what exists clinically, because working with a stable tissue bed that has been created to emulate the natural emergence profile allows the use of a custom impression coping that matches all of the previously placed custom components,” he says. “Clinicians no longer have to deal with a separate implant company, a separate dental lab, and other entities just to do an implant for one patient.”
The Inclusive Tooth Replacement Solution has everything the clinician needs up front—including the exact costs—for advanced, restorative-driven implant care at an affordable price, Minzenmayer emphasizes. “While this streamlined approach is new for clinicians, the beauty is, they don’t have to incorporate anything new into their practice,” he says.
Because of the tremendous response to the Inclusive Tooth Replacement Solution, Glidewell Laboratories has expanded the offering to all major implant brands and has added indications for edentulous options with six implants. The Open Platform Inclusive® Tooth Replacement Solution is for clinicians who want the benefits of patient-specific soft-tissue management but prefer to use their implant system of choice. This package includes all of the same components as the original Tooth Replacement Solution with the exception of the implant. Minzenmayer suggests visiting for a complete list of supported implant systems.
Glidewell Laboratories
4141 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: 800-854-7256