DENTSPLY Caulk: Simplified Composites with Peak Performance
According to Nikki Sparacino, Senior Brand Manager at DENTSPLY Caulk, many dental companies are currently invested in creating composites that simplify procedures without sacrificing performance. “This type of product is gaining a lot of popularity among clinicians, and we will continue to see more and more products enter the market that fit this description,” says Sparacino.

Nobel Biocare Global Symposium 2025
DENTSPLY Caulk creates and develops simple, easy-to-use composites with exceptional performance, says Sparacino. This has led to the production of a variety of different composite offerings—each with its own unique strengths—to provide clinicians the opportunity to do their best work with a wide range of high-quality products designed to meet their individual preferences.
Sparacino credits low-stress technology as having a major impact on current composite development, especially in regard to bulk-fill composites. DENTSPLY Caulk’s SureFil® SDR® flow is an example of a low-stress, bulk-fill, universal, flowable composite. SureFil SDR flow allows the clinician for the first time to bulk-fill a flowable composite without being concerned about the impact high stress will have on the restoration over time. “By developing this material, DENTSPLY Caulk has simplified the placement of posterior composites,” says Sparacino, who adds that there is a trend in the industry of bulk-fill composites being launched under the premise that they offer a simplified approach to posterior composites.
SureFil SDR flow’s indications were recently expanded to include Conservative Class I restorations, pit-and-fissure sealant, and core build-up, in addition to the base/liner indications for Class I and II restorations it was originally indicated for when it was launched in 2009.
DENTSPLY Caulk has also engineered a number of universal composites, which may be used for all cavity indications (I through V), as well as for direct bonding. “It provides a balanced approach to physical properties and esthetics,” says Sparacino.
Another one of DENTSPLY Caulk’s leading composite materials is TPH®3, which has a unique chameleon property that allows it to blend with and absorb the color of the surrounding teeth to provide a natural-looking restoration. “We use a proprietary blend of resin and fillers to deliver lower opacity and higher translucency, allowing the clinician to use a single shade to create a beautiful restoration,” says Sparacino. TPH3 is creamy, adaptable, offers excellent working time, and is easy to handle.
Beyond the ability to create and manufacture excellent composites, DENTSPLY Caulk is dedicated to providing support to the clinicians that use their products. “We have a diligent professional service team that is available to handle any questions clinicians may have on any of our products,” says Sparacino. The team can be reached Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. “Our team has a vast array of clinical knowledge and is there solely to offer support to clinicians,” continues Sparacino. DENTSPLY Caulk also has a Clinical Education Department devoted to ongoing education regarding Caulk products.
Sparacino believes that the future for DENTSPLY Caulk’s composites rests on addressing the needs of clinicians. “We will continue to conduct extensive market research to define what exactly dental professionals are looking for in their composites, specifically in the areas of handling, shading, and performance,” she asserts. In addition, a dedicated, cross-functional team at DENTSPLY Caulk is working hard to develop a robust pipeline for composite development in the next 5 to 10 years.
“We are really excited about the projects we’re working on and will continue to explore avenues using our patented SDR™ Technology, as well as new technologies being developed by our research and development team,” says Sparacino.
38 West Clarke Ave
Milford, DE 19963