DENTSPLY Caulk Offers Impression Material Options
DENTSPLY Caulk has long been a major player in the impression materials field, offering a range of material options along with a variety of impression trays. Richard Burde, Senior Brand Manager, Crown & Bridge, is pleased with what the company’s products have accomplished in the dental industry, and is excited for the future of this field of dentistry.
Offering an array of precision impression materials, bite registration materials, and alginates in various viscosities, the company provides “every viscosity that a dentist would need for any clinical application,” says Burde. The vast product range allows clinicians to choose their preferred wash and tray materials to best fit the clinical situation.

Clinical Versah-tility at your Fingertips
A widely used product on DENTSPLY Caulk’s impression material’s roster is Aquasil Ultra. A vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) impression material designed for use in a wet environment, Aquasil Ultra features a high tear-strength and low contact angle, which allows the material to flow into hard-to-reach places deep in the sulcus. The Aquasil Ultra line, which Burde says is the leading VPS impression material in the United States and well known globally, offers a number of supporting products that enhance the outcomes of impressions taken with this popular material.
Another key product is DENTSPLY Caulk’s B4® Pre-Impression Surface Optimizer. “This product was designed to equalize the surface tension among different substrates, because dentin, enamel, and gingiva all have different surface tensions,” says Burde, who likens using B4 to putting a lubricant on the various surfaces in the mouth. B4 allows the material to flow evenly over every surface, which gives the material a much better chance of capturing minute details and results in less pulls, drags, and voids. “Clinicians have been very happy with the results,” adds Burde.
The company also features three types of Jeltrate® alginate material, and last year entered the alginate alternative category with Algin•X™ Ultra, a VPS material that offers clinicians convenience, flexibility, and fast set times.
DENTSPLY Caulk’s products are shipped with illustrated technical guides, and the company offers a comprehensive technique and troubleshooting guide through both its website and sales personnel. “Education is one of the most important aspects of our job, and we communicate fully with the clinician to provide a thorough understanding of the impression materials,” explains Burde.
Another way DENTSPLY Caulk serves clinicians is through its Professional Services Group. “We have staff available here that clinicians can call to troubleshoot cases or ask questions about the technical aspects of their products and procedures,” says Burde. “Our phones are ringing every day. The offices that call in and use the service find it very valuable.”
DENTSPLY Caulk’s goal of keeping its client base educated does not end with its support system. The company is also deeply involved in continuing education, sponsoring hundreds of events throughout the year, either live, on the Web, or available in print.
Even with the recent push in digital impression technology, Burde is confident about the future of impression materials. “Digital impression technology is a good technology, but it’s not growing at the rate most CAD/CAM companies would like to see.” He expects that there will be a significant market for impression materials in the years to come. “We continue to increase our market penetration with our Aquasil brand. I don’t see that ending anytime in the near future,” he predicts.
38 West Clarke Ave
Milford, DE 19963