Kerr Continues Successful Technology in Curing Lights
Kerr’s long legacy of innovation has led to a line of products that are used daily around the globe. Their developments in curing lights, often one of the most frequently used devices in the dental office, are no exception.
According to Matthew Gotto, Product Manager, halogen lights had been the staple curing light for many years. However, these lights have longer curing times and are tethered by their cord, so portability between operatories is not an option. Therefore, LED curing lights are now experiencing the most growth. “They are also the most efficient, and the fastest way to cure materials while allowing portability between operatories,” Gotto notes. Most LED curing lights utilize batteries for portability, and the battery performance gets better as the technology advances.

Clinical Versah-tility at your Fingertips
Prices for LED curing lights vary depending on warranty and quality, but remain competitive with halogen lights. Cure times are advertised as between 3 to 20 seconds (compared to the 20 to 60 seconds for halogen).
With all of the advances in technology, how does a clinician know which curing light to choose? Martin Jablow, DMD, who maintains a private practice in Woodbridge, NJ, and consults on dental technology, says, “Many dentists don’t take into account differences when they change curing lights. The problem is that they’re just used to turning the light on, and they don’t think about differences in light placement, power intensity, and size of the tip, in order to maximize the curing potential of the light. Most curing lights come with an 8-mm size tip. The problem is that a molar may be 11 mm in size.”
The greatest light intensity comes from the center of the curing light, not at the edges, Jablow explains. “So if you place the curing lamp with the tip directly in the center of the tooth, you’re not curing the ends of either side satisfactorily. Then it needs to be done twice—one side, and then the other. Also, light intensity decreases as the distance from the tip to the composite increases. So you have to take into account the fact that when the distance becomes greater, you may
have to increase your curing time.” With the many great choices available to dentists today, choosing the right curing light can be a difficult decision.
Kerr’s Demi Plus LED curing light offers features such as advanced battery design and an extended light guide that can be easily changed. Based on the situation and the specific needs, the clinician can place in different light guides. The Demi Plus has a quiet built-in fan to take care of any heat issues. It’s cordless and ergonomic in shape, so it’s easy to hold for extended periods of time.
Jablow says, “The Demi Plus is based on the Demetron technology, which is the curing light that many clinicians have used for years—it’s a continuation of the successful history of this technology.” Demetron has 11-mm and other light guide sizes.
Curing lights are likely to continue to improve each year, alongside advancements in LED and battery technologies. To help the clinician stay current with these technologies, Kerr provides training on its curing lights through dealer and company representatives. These representatives train through on-site visits, online webcasts and podcasts, in-house at Kerr’s Sybron Learning Center, as well as at dealer and tradeshow events.
Kerr continues to focus on the customer by utilizing the latest emerging technologies and transforming that information into products and services that meet and exceed the customers’ demands. Putting the needs of the customer, the clinician, first is the critical first step in helping them achieve outstanding results for their patients.
Kerr Corporation
1717 West Collins
Orange, CA 92867